Dodo History Quiz

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Last name of the schoolteacher who found Dodo bones in the 1860s ?
Little girl who found herself in Wonderland ?
The leader of the first Dutch expedition, Admiral van .... ?
One of the first names given to the Dodo ?
The Dodo belongs to the p...... family of birds.
Lewis Carroll saw a picture of a Dodo in a museum in this city ?
The name given to the bones of an animal when all joined together ?
The nationality of people who come from Holland ?
The last name of two artists famous for painting Dodos: Roelandt and Jan .... ?
The first name of the man who originally saw the Solitaire on Rodrigues ?
Swallowed by Dodos to help with digestion ?
A very wet area like the one where Dodo bones were found ?
Name of the flagship of 1598 Dutch fleet to Mauritius ?
Name of a building where you can see historical objects, including Dodo bones ?
A word which means the preserving and protection of animals and plants ?